In is a common ailment affecting young & old ones equally & is a gift of today's sedentary life style & bad food habits. We offer a permanent & long lasting treatment for this today evil.
Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome is called a spastic colon, mucous colitis, spastic colitis, nervous stomach, or irritable colon.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a disturbance in the regulation of bowel function that results in unusual sensitivity and muscle activity. Everyone suffers from an occasional bowel disturbance. However, for those with irritable bowel syndrome the symptoms are more severe, or occur more often - either continuously or off and on.
Irritable bowel syndrome is generally classified as a "functional" disorder and a multi-faceted disorder. In people with irritable bowel syndrome, symptoms result from what appears to be a disturbance in the interaction between the gut or intestines, the brain, and the autonomic nervous system that alters regulation of bowel motility (motor function) or sensory function.